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The most accurate view of the market by state, agile deliveries and all the SKUs on the market.

The widest coverage of the channel, for the best accuracy on the market!

More assertive plans based on agile information by state and channel, with the key indicators for all SKUs in the market - yours and your competitors' - that only those with the widest channel coverage can deliver.

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Scann Market’s highlights

The widest coverage on the market, with the best accuracy. More than 40,000 connected points of sale.

Up-to-date information available in 7 days, the agility you need.

Accurate information with 100% automatic collection.

Track the market across all channels, states, categories and SKUs.

Prompt and specialized Scanntech service.

R$ 1,2 trillion

That’s what the input channel does every year (in BRL). Only with Scann Market can you access real information about this scenario.

Check out the main
features of Scann Market