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Go to Market: Scanntech Invests in Data Revolution and Digitization of the Indirect Channel Responsible for 52% of Sales to the Food Retail Sector

Agility, efficiency, product management optimization, and precision throughout the supply chain are the main gains for the industry, distributors, retailers, and, of course, the end consumer.

São Paulo, March 2024 – When we see a variety of products from a category on the shelf, we seldom wonder how they got there, but when we notice the absence of a favorite brand of that specific product – then we identify a flaw in the distribution chain. Concerned about the effectiveness of the end-to-end Brazilian retail food chain, Scanntech, a leader in intelligence for the sector, which already connects data from over 40,000 POS with more than 250 industry players, is dedicated, through specific solutions, to optimizing the operation of the Indirect Channel – comprised of Distributors and Wholesalers, which together currently account for about 52% of sales to the Brazilian retail food sector, considering the following categories: food, beverages, hygiene and beauty, cleaning, cigarettes, and bazaar, according to ABAD data (Brazilian Association of Wholesale Distributors) from June/23. “We noticed that this channel lacked grouped granular information and/or struggled with the challenge of analyzing sent reports, as they serve more than one category and each industry sent the survey with different formats and indicators. This lack of standardization requires more time from these distributors and could lead to decision-making failures to improve distribution and profitability of their own operation,” explains Ana Mello, director of indirect channel service at Scanntech.

According to the executive, with Scanntech’s solution and support, the indirect channel gains more autonomy and total visibility of the categories and products it serves in a unified way, generating agility and better team direction, as well as greater investment assertiveness and optimization in territorial diagnostics for the industry – which is still benefited by quick returns and better ways to ensure their products reach the shopper. Thus, opportunities that were previously only identified in-store can now be recognized through intelligence for assertive and immediate action.

“We are part of a planning that depends on many factors, of course, but we generate efficiency in the process to ensure that the indirect channel acts to generate industry satisfaction and avoid shelf gaps, ensuring that the shopper has access to the desired product and consequently boosting retail sales. It’s a self-feeding mechanism,” concludes Priscila Ariani, Marketing Director at Scanntech.


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